Robin Kirschner



Robin Jeanne Kirschner studied Sports Engineering (B.Sc.) and Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.) at Chemnitz University of Technology (CUT) with research visit at Nagoya University at the Assistive Robotics Research Group. She currently works at the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) at TU Munich and focuses on developing concepts and metrics for safety in physical HRI and tactile robot skills in industrial applications.


Recently, the third generation of robots was introduced. The new robot manipulators are equipped with tactile sensing for feeling and understanding contact with their environment, which can be provided using different strategies. Thus, how well these strategies perform for estimating external forces, controlling an applied force, or ensuring the human safety at undesired contact needs to be investigated in standardized ways to find the optimal solution for tactile interactions. This talk addresses methods and first basic findings in the field of performance benchmarking for tactile robots and explains the relevance to the future robot development.
