
Since its debut in September 2019, Talking Robotics has evolved into a vibrant global community, bringing together robotics and AI enthusiasts. Under the guidance of Silvia Tulli, Nitin Ragothaman, Riddhiman Laha, and Sooraj Krishna, the platform hosts bi-weekly virtual seminars that combine technical presentations with interactive discussions and networking opportunities.

Our presence spans multiple platforms, fostering an ever-growing audience. On YouTube, we've accumulated nearly 18,000 views and close to 1,000 hours of watch time. Our recently introduced podcast format has quickly resonated with listeners, surpassing 1,000 plays and found nearly 400 followers on Spotify. Additionally, our social media footprint includes 2,500 followers on Twitter/X, while our website attracts 4,400 active users, primarily from the United States and Europe.

What drives us is the excitement of uncovering innovative research and engaging with the researchers behind it. This passion motivates us to continually enhance and share meaningful content with our expanding community.